Cellulosic Gray Putty

Cellulosic or quick dry putty belongs to the category of short oil alkyd coatings that dry in the air. The chain length of this type of coating is short and they are usually formulated with nitrocellulose.
In formulating these types of coatings, nitrocellulose accelerates drying. Special additives accelerate the drying time of coatings in the vicinity of air.
Due to fast drying, this type of putty is usually most used in car bodies and metals. These putties are used in painting parts and are very economical and practical.


This putty is based on cellulose nitrate alkyd resin and according to mild climate, it is made with the best quality and has excellent hardness, flexibility, adhesion and durability.

How to use:
First, clean the desired surface from any pollution (grease, rust, dust).
Mix the contents of the can completely and apply with a spatula.
On metal surfaces do wet sanding after 2 hours with 320 to 400 mesh sandpaper.
After 2 hours on wooden and PVC surfaces, dry sand with 320-400 grit.

Product Code



Gray, Metallic


0.5 Kg, Quart

Storage time

5 Years

Touch free time

10 Minutes

Sanding time

1 Hour

Deep drying time

2 Hours

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